New MP3!!! ....... Want It, Need It, Feel It


Word up! There is alot of stuff happenin' so listned up and take some notes!

1) I recorded a new song, "Want It, Need It, Feel It" I originaly recorded it just to show everyone a new song, but it turned out pretty good, so i thought i'd add it.

2) Were playing with Captin Squeegy and the Soap Suds on the 29th at NYC Pizza. We are also doin' alittle travelin' this summer... As of now we have dates in Lake Havisue City (June 7th) and Salt Lake City(June 8th) and i'm working on Flagstaff and Tucson.

3) We havn't started our recording yet, but hopefully we'll get a-crakin' pretty soon. Somebody has to call the guy first!(wink wink, nudge nudge. You know who you are)

Peace Out, Suckas!
